Medicare Access to Radiology Care Act of 2021
June 2017 Legislative Update
North Carolina remains one of only a few states in the nation that does not require any educational standards for individuals who perform x-ray exams or radiation therapy treatments.
The Legislative Committee of the NCSRT, Inc. has been working diligently over the past several years to try and pass legislation to provide for the licensing of radiologic technologists and radiation therapists. In conjunction with the ASRT and our legislative sponsor, Rep. Verla Insko, we are once again striving to edit and streamline our newest version of the licensure bill to enhance the possibility of passage.
The Legislative Regular Session will adjourn in the early summer, so our goal is to have the new version researched, edited, and ready for introduction at the beginning of the short session later in the year.
Legislators need to hear about the important impact educated radiologic imaging and radiation therapy professionals have on quality patient care and safety. The NCSRT, Inc. requests all radiologic technologists living in North Carolina to contact their senator and representative to help secure state licensure support. Let your voice be heard!
April 2017 Legislative update: House Bill H902
Enhance Patient Safety in Radiologic Imaging
2015 Long Session Beg
Currently, we are waiting to meet up with the Research Department Lawyer to work on a Substitute Committee Bill –
this is how we implement corrections or changes. We will do this on the House side and it will carry over to the Senate side.
The changes we are working to make are for the Podiatrist and Chiropractors Associations.
This gives them another avenue in addition to the limited license permit.
"§ 90-743. Examinations. The Board may (shall) accept certification from the American Chiropractic Registry of Radiologic Technologists for persons applying for a limited permit in spine radiography. (d) The Board may (shall) accept certification from the North Carolina Board of Podiatry Examiners and/or (North Carolina Foot and Ankle Society) for persons applying for a limited permit in podiatric radiography.Normally bills that do not cross from one chamber to the other (House-Senate or vice versa)
die if this does not happen by the cross over deadline. That deadline this year was April 30th.
Because the Bills include a fee they did not die when cross over occurred on April 30th.
We have 2 different companies that have given proposals to manage our licensing board,
thus keeping our license Bills budget neutral in regard to the NC state budget.
Many groups have misinterpreted the fees in our Bills.
The fees mentioned in our Bills are ceilings – ceilings that cannot be raised without
going back to the legislators for approval.
"§ 90-748. Fees. 44
(a) The Board is authorized to charge and collect fees not to exceed the following:
(1) Initial, provisional, or temporary license application fee, one hundred dollars ($100.00).
(2) Biennial license fee, two hundred dollars ($200.00).
(3) Temporary license fee, one hundred dollars ($100.00).
(4) Provisional license fee, two hundred dollars ($200.00).
(5) Duplicate license, twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
(6) License renewal late fee, seventy-five dollars ($75.00).
When the Commission is established, they will decide exactly what the fee structure will be. "§ 90-741. Powers of the Board.![]() | |
Mitigation in the Bills - Enhance Patient Safety in Radiologic Imaging.
NCSRT Inc. Legislative CommitteeTo view a copy of the questionnaire used to establish the need for licensure Click here.