ASRT Delegate


Section 1 - Delegates

A. Two (2) Society delegates shall be elected by a majority vote of the voting
members at a business meeting. The Board of Directors will appoint two (2) alternate  delegates.

B. The Society shall submit to ASRT the names of the Society delegates and alternates by the first business day of April or the Society delegate positions shall remain open until  after the ASRT House of Delegates’ meeting.

C. The Society has the power to remove delegates.

Section 2 - Qualifications

A. A delegate shall show proof of continuing education.

B. A delegate shall be a voting member of the ASRT and the Society for two (2) years  immediately preceding nomination.

C. A delegate shall have served as an officer, or on the Board of Directors or as a committee  member in the Society.

D. A delegate shall practice in the radiologic science profession or health care.

E. A delegate may serve concurrently on the board of any national radiologic science certification or national accreditation agency.

F. A delegate shall have the time and availability for necessary travel to represent the  ASRT.

Section 3 - Responsibilities

A. Society delegates shall attend the ASRT House of Delegates’ meeting and all meetings  required of delegates.

B. Respond to communications from the ASRT Office, ASRT Board of Directors or from 35 the ASRT House of Delegates.

C. Disseminate information to the Society.

Section 5 – Absence

A. An absence exists when an elected delegate is unable to fulfill the duties of the position during the ASRT House of Delegates’ meeting. The delegate shall be considered absent  for the purpose of that meeting only.

B. It is the responsibility of the delegate to notify the ASRT, the Speaker of the House, and  the alternate delegate of the delegate’s inability to attend the meeting as soon as possible.  The alternate delegate shall be seated for the meeting only.

C. Any delegate position or alternate delegate position not filled by the elected/appointment  process remains open.

D. If the alternate delegate is unable to serve because of extenuating circumstances, the Speaker of the House may seat a qualified delegate for that meeting only.

E. There shall be no on-site credentialing of delegates.

ASRT Delegates Guidelines