Licensure/regulations within our state

FAQ that have arisen when discussing licensure/regulations within our state. As we try, once again, to begin some type of advocacy efforts, please take a look at these and let us know if you have any questions. 

Why is RT Licensing Needed?

  • Sets qualification for professional entry and continuing practice qualifications.
  • Protects the title, recognition and performance of the profession
  • Ensures imaging professionals are educationally trained and clinically competent​
  • Provides evidence of meeting the qualifications of the profession for employers and health payers.
  • Offers oversight to a profession that directly impacts public health and safety.
  • Helps ensure patient care and safety
  • Holds individuals accountable to  professional behavior standards.

Do standards cost more?

  • There is no evidence that standards significantly increase salaries for RTs
  • While each state varies, licensing/registration fees range between $20 and $150 biannually
  • There are some overhead costs to the state to administer licensing/registration, but most states already have infrastructure from other professional licensing boards.

What bureaucratic hoops have to be jumped through?

  • States vary
    • Some just require ARRT certificates to be submitted
    • Some states require all CE certificates to be submitted at renewal
    • Common documents include:
      • Background check
      • Educational records
      • Proof of clinical competencies
      • ARRT/other credentialing body documents